The Digital Factory brings together ideas and skills, techniques and tools.

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Thanks to our experience in large and small organizations, we have developed our own methodology to support your initiatives.
This method has been designed to make you free and independent. We don't believe in dependency. Our mission is to pass on our knowledge and tools, and to support you so that you can stand on your own two feet.

But don't worry, you can always count on us!


The Digital Factory assembles a product team.

Unlike usual project management, the factory offers a strategy that focuses on the product. Its stumbling block is the product vision. The factory allows an iterative and incremental approach using short cycles to progress in a sustainable fashion. Moving towards a facts-driven culture. Using a user- and value-focused strategy. Obtaining relevant indicators and maintaining the course while fine-tuning the drive. Those are the methods that will help you develop your dream product.
United by a common purpose, every team member brings their own skills to serve the product. The team decides what to do and how to get organised to achieve its goal. Made up of both business and technical people, it accelerates growth and sustains knowledge. The team is ideally located in one single place, which fosters formal and spontaneous interactions.
Above all, UX Design aims at integrating users at the earliest stage of the product development cycle, in order to design for them and with them.The UX Design process and methods we are using originate from a broader user-centric design process.
Craft mainly aims at developing tailored digital solutions in the best possible way. Craft is the necessary condition for agility, constantly adding value while ensuring a clean code. It makes possible for professionals to interact and provides a fertile ground for productive partnerships. Practicing craft is shaping things with heart and passion, always searching for excellence.
Factory as a Service
We provide you with our know-how and experience to help you build the digital factory the most suited to your needs. It will allow you to define your approach towards software development and to be more and more efficient reaching your objectives. A digital factory that evolves with you and focuses on your autonomy. Pay as you go!

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